Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Euthanasia And Cancer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 641 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Euthanasia Essay Did you like this example? Peter is a 64-year-old who decided to take early retirement to enjoy life and not work so hard. He decided it was time to enjoy his grandchildren and like any other typical retiree enjoy traveling. Recently having built a house in Morelos, Mexico it was time to enjoy it. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Euthanasia And Cancer" essay for you Create order Peter has always been the life of the party. Anyone who meets him instantly falls in love with the person he is. He is a hard worker, compassionate, very dependable person. He will take the shirt off his back to help you. As you get older you start feeling the aches and pain that comes along with aging and Peter was starting to feel it or so he thought it was from aging. After a routine checkup he is told to immediately go to the hospital there was something abnormal in his blood work. After spending four days in the hospital going through many testing, Peter is given the worst news you can possibly get. Three words you never want to hear come out of your doctor’s mouth â€Å" You have cancer†. Being diagnosed with a terminal disease can be devastating not only for the patient but also for the family and friends. After overcoming from the initial shock you want many answers to questions you might have. Many questions will remain unanswered or it is not the response you were hoping for. All you know is that being diagnosed with a terminal disease, the end result is going to be death. Therefore, Euthanasia should be offered and allowed for these cases. The three main reasons why Euthanasia should be allowed are these patients have no chance of recovery, shortens suffering, and after all, they have the right to a â€Å"good death†. Being diagnosed with a terminal disease basically means there is no cure and no chance of recovering from the illness. There is no nice or easy way a doctor can give you such devastating news. Many feelings run through your body. Feelings of anger, sadness, and denial are the most common. Your body feels numb, you have tunnel vision, and it seems as if you can not comprehend anything else after being told you are dying. Many can not process the thought of having a painful death. These deaths of a terminal ill patient are not only painful for the patient but also for the family and friends. There is no right or wrong way to deal with death. Just like there is no correct way to react to the diagnosis. Priorities will need to be put in place and decisions will need to be made. For many talking about planning your funeral is like the big elephant in the room, you simply don’t want to acknowledge it. That is when Euthanasia is usually considered. According to Wikipedia Euthanasia comes from the Greek word â€Å"eu†meaning â€Å"good†and â€Å"Thanatos†meaning â€Å"death†. (Wikipedia 2018) The definition is â€Å" the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering†. (Wikipedia 2018)Everyone wants to have a â€Å"good death†or painless one. Dying in your sleep is a good example of a good death or even a sudden death can be considered good because it is quick and you do not feel it. Euthanasia allows the doctor, with the patient’s consent, to administer a lethal dose of medication which ends the suffering and the patient dies. The first time it was actually used in medical context was by Francis Bacon in the 17th Century. (Wikipedia 2018). Additionally, I now understand that I am dying and I am living. Dying is a part of living and living is a part of dying. Every day I remind myself that knowing I am dying offers me the opportunity to be my best self, to spend the time I have left by living fully in the present.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Fin431 Final Extra Credit Solutions Essay - 1871 Words
This entire homework is worth 2 exam points. Attach/show your work for full credit. You are a trader in Brazil at the Bolsa exchange writing both Calls and Puts. Call and Put options are available on the US dollar with a strike of 2.2R/$ for a premia of .40R and .20R respectively. Assume each contract controls $100,000. Be sure to draw the payoff and profit/loss diagrams before answering the questions. 1. Which breakeven point is correct? a. Call 2.0 b. Put 2.4 c. Call 2.4 d. Put 1.8 e. Put 2.0 2. If at maturity, the spot is 1.9R/$ at maturity, which option is exercised? a. Put, profit 10,000R b. Call, payoff -30,000R c. Call, payoff -10,000R d. Put, payoff -30,000R e. None of the above 3. Suppose that the spot is 2.3R/$ at†¦show more content†¦You are a US firm and owe one Million Real per year, due at year end, for the next two years. Your bank offers you a forward price of 2.42R/$ and 2.67R/$; alternatively you can swap with a Brazilian firm at a rate of 2.55R/$. Assume that you can borrow funds for 15% in Brazil, and 5% in the US. Also, the treasury rates in Brazil and the US are 12% and 3%. 9. To hedge the Real obligations, you should ________. a. Agree to buy Real forward b. Agree to buy Dollars forward c. Agree to swap paying Real and receiving Dollars d. Agree to swap paying Dollars and receiving Real e. Agree to sell the Real forward 10. What is the PV of the cash-flows for the lowest cost alternative? a. Greater than $730,000 b. $728,000-$730,000 c. $726,000-$727,999 d. $720,000-$725,999 e. Less than $720,000 11. What is the premium/discount in dollars using the existing forwards that you are paying in comparison to forwards determined by CIPC? a. More than $20,000 premium b. $15,000-$20,000 premium c. $15,000 premium to a $15,000 discount d. $15,000-$20,000 discount e. less than a $20,000 discount Solutions: Whether you use forwards or a swap, you are effectively doing this: Deciding on the forwards vs. swap will determine the $’s you will pay. Forwards: Swap: Using swap yields a lower dollar PV for the obligation, thus, is the superior hedge. Note that you discount that cash-flows at the rate YOU can borrow funds. Since after swapping,
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Nuclear-powered submarines Free Essays
The war which the world feared upon never happened, the Cold War. United States of America and the Soviets are preparing for this battle as who among these super powers will really dominate the world. As a means of preparation they are to dominate the seas, especially the under sea navigational fleet, the Submarines. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear-powered submarines or any similar topic only for you Order Now American leaders as a means of preparing for battle put their trust and confidence in their submarine force. Empowered by their own power plants these nuclear submarines are to dominate the seas with unbelievable sophistication and with weapons of incredible destructive power. The idea of submarine came from the Germans who were the ones who pioneered in the creation of the vessel during World War II (Weir, 1998). The US Navy has envisioned that submarines of the future would go deeper and move much faster. Thus as the years passed, the nuclear submarine was created. Under the US military force, the main mission of the first known SSBNs or â€Å"Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear†was for the prevention of war to happen. They are to be deployed to strategic sites for them to guard and thus to prevent war (Weir, 1998). Because of their relentless power, as the nuclear is used to propel them, they have the capability to submerge and circumnavigate the world with fewer expenses. They can submerge for number of days to avoid detection and can easily guard strategic sites as their main mission. They are considered as the guardians of a possible nuclear war. According to David Munns in his book, the greatest advantage so that submarines, armed with ballistic missiles, can release its relentless power is that they have to be close to the shore. This idea was the main basis for the development of the undersea military force of both United States and the Soviet Union. Throughout the 45-year Cold War both countries developed submarines, especially nuclear powered, to gain intelligence or for espionage, due to its stealth power, and to attack and destroy any possible enemy surface ships. Its powerful ballistic missiles have the ability to attack ground or land based targets. Both countries develop such powerful undersea fleet and were considered as the most potent nuclear threat for both of them. (Munns, 2004) The main idea was that to counter this powerful surface warships and nuclear propelled missile cruisers and aircraft carries they have to develop more powerful underground fleet (Munns, 2004). With the development of the nuclear power, the first ship that was ever built by the Americans that went to sea is the USS Nautilus. It went to sea on January of 1955. It is propelled by pressurized-water nuclear reactor plant. This firs submarine built by the Americans sets the new standard for submarines (Huchtausen, 2002). The Russians on the other hand, built their first submarine which went to sea on a much later date. The K-3 or also known as Leninsky Komosol, it is a part of the November class of attack submarines only went to sea only on 1958. This submarine was the first Soviet sub who have reached the North pole, only in 1962, which the United States first sub USS Nautilus have already done four years earlier. The November class submrines however had serious problems one example was the accident happened in 1968 of its K-27 due to a radioactive gas lead which killed 9 people (Huchthausen, 2002). The next Class of submarines that was built by the Americans was the Skipjack Class Submarines. Built in 1959, this attack submarine was the first to combine nuclear power which has extraordinary speed. This is more hydronamic which has a new teardrop hull design. All other US submarines that was created was based on this design. The known accident that happened for this class of submarine was on May 21, 1968 when the USS Skipjack Scorpion was lost in the sea and was nowhere to be found even due to extensive military search. All the 99 people aboard the submarine also lost their lives (Compton-Hall, 1999). The Soviet built the Hotel-class submarines on 1960. This is the first Soviet Nuclear subs which carries with it ballistic missiles. The design of the November Class is much similar to that of the November class, but with much larger compartment to accommodate the ballistic missiles (Compton-Hall, 1999). On the same year the Skipjack Class was created, the US Military built the USS George Washington Class. Built and deployed on 1959, this submarine was the first Nuclear Ballistic missile submarine which was created. The main idea for this ballistic missile submarines was that it would attack land-based targets with its nuclear weapons. They are to be deployed near shore targets so that their long range missiles can easily hit their targets. The Soviets then build the Victor Class submarines in 1967. Their design was to attack enemy submarines and to protect surface ships of the Soviets. The new teardrop hull enabled the Victor Class to attain higher speed. The Soviets however abandoned the construction of the second Victor submarine design after learning through spy information that the NATO forces could easily track them (Compton-Hall, 1999). Due to this, the Soviets created the Victor III submarine. The Americans on 1961 built the Thresher Class attack submarines. This submarine is much stronger, much faster, and can dive much deeper. It is also designed to be quieter than the Skipjack Class, the materials used in this class have more streaming improvements. The name was however changed from Thresher Class to Permit Class when the submarine Thresher sank in New England in 1963 killing all 129 crew (Huchtausen, 2002). In 1967, the Soviets created the Yankee Class submarines. This is the first Submarine that has the same firepower as that of the US submarines. This is much quieter than the Hotel Class due to a new hull shape, a new propeller design, and exterior sound-deadening coatings which is much harder to track. Several modifications were also made on this class, with its big design it was enabled to carry miniature submarines. On 1976, the Americans built and deployed the Los Angeles class. This class had 62 vessels built and is considered as the world’s largest nuclear-propelled submarine. This class was designed to primarily protect carriers and other enemy submarine. The purpose of this submarine was the same as that of the Soviet’s Victor Class. This submarine however was much more powerful than the Victor class because of its capability to do other special missions such as deployment of Special Forces on the ground and attacking larger targets. The Los Angeles class was also improved for better ice operations on the North and South Pole (Compton-Hall, 1999). The next class built by the Soviet and one of the last Class is the Typhoon class submarine. During its time, in 1981, it was considered as the world’s largest attack submarine. This improved design which is much quieter compared to its size. This submarine is also more maneuverable even if it is huge. The design of this submarine is much more complicated due to the existence of two pressure hulls which is parallel with each other and a third hull which is on top of them. This design increases its width and had simplified internal arrangements. Being part of a cooperative arms reduction program of the former Soviet states, six of the Typhoon class was dismantled in 2003 (Compton-Hall, 1999). The Ohio-class submarine is the last among the long line of designs of the ballistic-missile submarine fleet of US. It replaced the old 1960s version and was larger and more capable than its precedents. These subs can carry more and longer-range weapons, operate more quietly, and dive deeper (Compton-Hall, 1999). Russia, on the other hand, designed the contemporary of Ohio, the Oscar submarines. These are Russia’s largest and most advanced and are still active submarines. Designed to attack U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, it carries three times as many antiship cruise missiles than its predecessors (Compton-Hall, 1999). Norman Polmar and K.J. Moore, were two naval officials under the US Armed Forces who were interviewed by Munns in his book. They said that â€Å"the United States and the Soviet Union put to sea a combined total of 936 submarines, of which 401 were nuclear propelled,†during the whole Cold war from 1945-1991 (Munns, 2004). The Soviet Union was the one who is aggressive in the development of submarines. This development still continues until after the 1970’s where research and effort to make the vessels more powerful were developed. From the mid-1940s until early 1990s, Cold War was a period of conflict and competition between two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. It was also a period of great technological advancements in the military with no less than the development of nuclear submarines. Faster, quieter and deadlier weapons were developed. It was also this same period which placed the entire world on edge. And knowing the potentials of these weapons, the war that never happened also brought unparalleled relief to mankind. WORKS CITED: Compton-Hall, Richard. The Submarine Pioneers. Sutton Publishing, 1999. Huchthausen, Peter. K-19: The Widowmakerâ€â€The Secret Story of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine. National Geographic Books, 2002. Munns, David W. Sea Power. May 2004. Retrieved at http://findarticles.com/?noadc=1 Polmar, Norman and Moore,K.J. COLD WAR SUBMARINES: The Design and Construction of U.S. and Soviet Submarines. Dulles, Va.: Brassey’s, March 2004. 336 pp. Weir, Gary E. Deep Ocean, Cold War. Washington: Brassey’s, 1998. Evolution of Subs: U.S. and Soviet Submarine Milestones of the Cold War. National Geographic. ; http://www.nationalgeographic.com/k19/evolution_main.html; ;http://www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/n87/usw/issue_7/deepocean.htm; How to cite Nuclear-powered submarines, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Fighting Marketing Fatigue
Question: Write a summary on Fighting Marketing Fatigue? Answer: Introduction An article named recent research has published a journal which includes the analysis of the some consumers behaviour regarding marketing. The numbers of the customers are almost 15,000. The time span of the analysis was more than 3 month. The research was made to find the role of the marketing messages in case of sales promotion and the other facts regarding the market. More particularly, this is an overview of the marketing messages. The study shows that in this advanced age of communication where email is the most important thing in case of the online business the use of marketing message is still lower than this mailing system(Ojha et al., 2010). The marketing messages are the main items in the world of commerce. These are the modern tools of the communication. There are many modes of the marketing message. The managers are used use these things to communicate with their customers. The main objective of the managers is to connect with the customers 24*7 and send them quality messages. The marketing messages are plays a crucial role in the world of communication. They can use the internet media or the simple messaging or to connect with them directly. These helps a lot when it is time to communicate with the common people (Temple, 2013). Marketing message The total process needs some specification to process this with a great quality. The main points are discussed below Be Concise: the messages have to contain some quality information. This will help the consumers to get the accurate news or the perfect information. The companies have to avoid the rubbish from the messages. Consumers have their precious time. They dont want to lose their time behind these things. So, the managers have to make such messages which the main information in them. Be consistent: the consumers are having special offers from various companies almost every day,. So, looking at the increasing market the companies have to try to be consistent when they are offering these messages. They have to knock the door of the customer daily. Focus on the customer: the companies have to study the customers. According to them they have to make the messages. There are various types of customers in the market, to reach at them them have to make various types of messages. The main difficulty is the customers keep connected with the customers and they all send them the messages. Some they are angry with the suppliers that they sends too amny messages and they began to reject those messages. From theory to practice: 5 rules for managing marketing pressure These are five important factors which are mentioned are not avoiding the golden rule are very helpful to the marketers in case of increasing the total sale Individualise the approach: The marketers have to know about the individual customer by nature. Then they can drop the message according to the nature of the customer. This approach will definitely help the seller to increase the total sale (Cope and Kalantzis, 2009). Focus on message relevance: the marketers have to make such messages which are containing useful information. The messages should not carry such messages which are not relevant. This can attract more than before. Increase message volume: if the marketer feels that there is any information which is missing or which is important, they can send that message frequently. Provide guidance: It is the duty of the marketers to identify the impotence of the message and which point is the most valuable one(Guidance on comparative assessment, 2011). When in doubt, simplify: it is natural that the customers is unable to read the message or to understand the message. Then the marketers have to make them understand the message. The reason is they are the assets and they will increase the total sale. So, it is very important that they have to read the message properly and understand the whole message. Taking Action Proper actions have to take to increase the sale. The marketers can keep their record and they can grade them according to their performance. They can use different colours to mark them as their performance like relevant one, average one or finally the poor relevant one. To make this into action they have to go through each message minutely. The action plans can be like this: 360-degree view of the customer: The marketers have to read their customer minutely to know everything about him. According to their study they can take proper actions. Analytic and predictive functionalities: The customers have to take the proper data from the customers to know the review and their experience(Editorial Board, 2012). Seamless integration between customer knowledge campaign execution: Two kinds of messages can be dropped, the first one is timeliness and the personalisation. The can send a lot of message with full of information. It is a proper action to be taken. Real-time recommendation and personalisation engines: they can use those engines which allow the marketers to know about the demands of the customers. These are very useful tools. Cross-channel capabilities: they have to allow such channels which can follow the customers. If they are in trouble they can help the customers immediately. Conclusion From the above discussion it is clear that the use of Real-time recommendation and personalisation engines is the most important one and the 360-degree view of the customer is the worst one. the use of Real-time recommendation and personalisation engines is the most valuable one because the problem can be sort out within a second and oral and real time conversation gives the perfect idea to the customer. 360-degree view of the customer is the worst one because this takes too time and they dont have that time(Weaver, 2006). References Editorial Board.(2012). Urology, 80(2), p.A2. Guidance on comparative assessment.(2011). EPPO Bulletin, 41(3), pp.256-259. Jacobsen, C. and Lempert, L. (2013). Institutional Disparities: Considerations of Gender in the Commutation Process for Incarcerated Women. Signs, 39(1), pp.265-289. Kinnunen, T., Aapaoja, A. and Haapasalo, H. (2014). Analyzing Internal Stakeholders Salience in Product Development. Technology and Investment, 05(02), pp.106-115. Ojha, D., Singh, R., Sharma, A. and Shukla, A. (2010).A Model of Anonymous cum Idiosyncratic Machiavellian Mailing System Using Steganographic Scheme.International Journal of Computer Applications, 8(14), pp.1-4. Weaver, C. (2006). 360-Degree Communication and Professionalism Assessment Instrument.MedEdPORTAL Publications. Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (2009). Ubiquitous learning. Urbana (Ill.): University of Illinois Press. Temple, M. (2013). The Media and the Message. Journal of Political Marketing, 12(2-3), pp.147-165.
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